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Welcome to my collected online thoughts pertaining to the good and bad habits of the Church (as I see them). My goal is to think critically but lovingly about the way we live as the Body of Christ so that we can expose error. I know I will make mistakes along the way, but I’m hoping you will join the conversation.

But you clicked this link to find out more about the author. So, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nathan Creitz [twitter][facebook]. I have been in ministry in the church for the past 11 years and have also worked with other parachurch organizations during that time. For the past few years I have been experimenting in planting churches through discipleship. That is, I believe we shouldn’t be starting with church planting, we should start with making disciples. Currently, I am finishing up an MDiv at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Feel free to support my study habit!

I have been married since July 2007 and love being a husband. I also love developing friendships with people inside and outside the church who I can learn from and share life with on a regular basis. I’m relatively athletic and I love basketball, volleyball and do a lot of biking. My wife and I try to be environmentally responsible and eat healthy, local, and sometimes (when we can afford it) organic. We also care deeply about social justice issues. With the incredible rates of poverty and disease and slavery and abortion and corruption in the world, we feel it is essential that we involve ourselves sacrificially in these global issues. Sometimes that’s monetarily, sometimes it’s speaking out about an issue, and whenever possible we try and get involved on a personal basis when someone is in need.

My wife and I attend Grace Community Church on the North Shore of Boston. We host a small group and I lead the small group and also coordinate the Group Life at our church. One day a week I am also involved in researching, strategizing, and recruiting future church planters for the area north of Boston.

Most of my thoughts come from my experience (all my life) of being in the church (good and bad), reflections on books I’ve read, thoughts from seminary, interactions with friends both churched and unchurched, discussions with my wife, and especially from meditations on God’s Word. I make lots of mistakes, but my goal is to pray, think, and write Biblically about the way the Church should behave in the world today and to set an example in the way I personally live. I hope you will join the conversation with humility, respect, and love as I desire to respond to you in the same way.

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4 Responses

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  1. Joshua Rieff said, on March 31, 2009 at 11.34 pm

    hey man,
    i just wondered what ever became of you. Isn’t it weird that now with the internet the process is like: I search for you, i find your blog, and then i am confronted with a expanded list of whats been on your mind. our kids will never understand the world we grew up in. take care

    joshua rieff

  2. Nathan Creitz said, on April 1, 2009 at 2.00 pm

    Hey Joshua,

    Great to hear from you. Since we last talked I’ve gotten married, moved north of Boston and I’m finishing up seminary at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. I finish up in December…hope things are going well.

  3. Susan Petracco said, on April 8, 2009 at 8.30 am

    Found your post through ProBlogger. Love the blog, and many blessings on your ministry efforts!

  4. Joel said, on April 8, 2009 at 7.26 pm

    Came here through ProBlooger too! Like you emphasis on discipleship first, then church planting. Dallas Willard calls it The Great Omission referring to the lack of discipleship in churches. If you’re interested I wrote a list post for the 31DBBB as well

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